I have been like a woman possessed in my garden recently. Having beeen locked away behind closed doors for most of the winter (you try working in a garden on heavy clay when its frozen or sticky), the lovely warm weather and longer days have meant I have been unleashed from my tethers and let loose with a fork in one hand, ad spade in the other and packets of seeds between my teeth. Doing two show gardens this year equals not much time in my own garden, at a critical time, too. We're on site at Chelsea in six weeks, so that's May taken care of, then I have a two weak 'break' in June before Hampton Court Show build starts in Mid-June. So, in the next six weeks I have to get the veg beds prepped and planted (runner beans will have to go out early, must remember to write husband a note re: frost protection), finish preparing borders and splitting perennials, weed my cut flower borders and sow seed for plants (will I be here to pick and enjoy the flowers?) and lay a new wooden terrace area. Yes, I know... but it's nice to dream!
The Girlguiding UK garden is getting finalised: the RHS wanted a few more tweaks which have been done and re-done so we are awaiting the white smoke to flow from Vincent Square for the final 'yes'. However, plants are already growing for the garden as some had to be started last month from seed. The collation of all the various elements of the garden is coming together and need to be finalised in the next few weeks before I disappear off to do the Chelsea garden. No pressure then!